Early Years

The website for parents and children interested and involved in Gaelic Education

Gàidhlig nan Òg
Gaelic in the home and early years settings in a functional yet fun way

Be Happy & Sing!
Gaelic singing games for children – videos, audio and more!

An exciting collection of resources for teachers in primary school GME

This course is designed for teachers who have little or no knowledge of Gaelic.

The world’s only Gaelic online comic for children
During the tiered system, our staff such as Sarah here will be available to help with any Gaelic or homework queries. Please use Messenger to contact us or click on the orange button at the bottom right of your screen.

We have thousands of audio files available including over 300 audio books. These are available directly on various sites but also on Soundcloud.com
- Read
- Write
- Count
- Games
- Lots more!
- Weather
- Jobs
- Days of the week
- School subjects
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- Fileanta
- Ceumannan
- Gàidhlig nan Òg
- Bi Sunndach agus Seinn
- Lots more!